Just one more thing to do with those infamous rotisserie chickens they sell in the food stores:
1 Whole Rottisierre Chicken
6 potatoes (boiled cubed potatoes)
2 cans each of sliced carrots
2 cans of peas
1 Large Onion
2 Cans Cream of Chicken Soup
2 cups Half and Half
2 TBS butter
2 Pie Crusts (ready made)
5 TBS chopped fresh Thyme
Salt and Pepper
Peel and cube potatoes and boil for only 10 minutes. (they should be on the hard side) Drain and set aside. Do a large dice of the onion and sauté it in a small pan with a little Extra Virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, until soft and a little brown, set aside. Cut up the whole chicken into cubes.
Preheat the oven at 375 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the soup, half and half, chicken, onions, carrots, peas, Salt, Pepper and Fresh Thyme, and toss together. Lastly add the potatoes (gently stir so you don’t mush them). Melt the butter in the microwave.
Roll out the pie crust out (home made or ready made) enough to cover most of the casserole. Pour the vegetables and chicken mixture into a casserole dish sprayed with non-stick spray. Lay the crust over the mix, poke holes all over the top with a fork, brush with melted better, and sprinkle with more fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt. Bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes or until the crust is medium brown. Let sit for 15-20 minutes before serving.
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